Rehman Medical College (RMI) is inviting you to attend the upcoming National Annual Research Conference on May 25th and 26th at the Bara Gali Summer Camp of the University of Peshawar (UoP) (Baragali Road, Nathia Gali, Abbottabad). The conference promises networking opportunities within the medical community and a chance for medical students to showcase their research innovations and ideas.

Sixth National Annual Research Conference 2024 – (6th NARC)

  • Date: 25th May – 26th May
  • Venue: Bara Galli Summer Camp
  • Registration:
  • Participant: 4500 PKR
  • Observer: 5000PKR
  • This registration fee per person includes Conference Registration + Gala Dinner + two Breakfasts. Accommodation fees will be charged upon confirmation. You will have the choice between staying at Bara Gali Summer Camp or other nearby hotels.

Focal Person

Director Registration

Director Communications

Pre Conference Workshops

Rehman Medical College (RMC) Students’ Research Society’s pre-conference workshop on ‘Probing Progress: Mastering Questionnaires in Medical Research’ offered essential guidance for participants.
Led by Dr. Zilli Huma, the workshop equipped them with the knowledge and tools to design effective questionnaires, leading to high-quality data collection for their medical research.
The main SRS research conference is scheduled for May 24th and 25th at the Bara Gali summer campus of the University of Peshawar.
Stay tuned for future workshops and events!

Conference Day 1

The Rehman Medical College’s Student Research Society (SRS) Sixth National Annual Research Conference (NARC) opens with a grand ceremony in Bara Gali, Abbottabad.
The conference was inaugurated by renowned researcher Dr. Murtaza Najib Ali and is being attended by over 400 students, researchers, and faculty members from across the country.
Leading research scholars and healthcare luminaries, including Principal RMC Prof. Dr. Mukhtiar Zaman, Dean/CEO Lady Reading Hospital Prof. Dr. Junaid Sarfaraz Khan, and Director of Research RMC Dr. Iftikhar Qayum, attended the ceremony.
Knowledge, medical research, and innovation will be the main focus as researchers embark on two days of insightful discussions, engaging talks, and discussions of groundbreaking discoveries.